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Differential Carrier

When you're working alone and you're old, weak and have a bad back, you need to come up with creative ways to handle the heavy stuff. It was time to move my diff from the basement to the garage so I put it on my rolling scissor cart and took it out the door (I have a walk out basement) into the back yard.................where the ground has thawed just enough that it promptly sank in up to its axles. Luckily a friend came by and I asked for his help carrying it to the help required, by me anyway, as he took the 80 lbs and put it on his shoulder and walked it up the hill and into the garage. Well Carlos won't be around when I try to muscle this into place and on to the diff mounts so I made a holder to use with my old jack. This jack won't hold weight for very long but it will be fine for this job. My test run worked perfectly and I'll get it all bolted in place real soon. I need to have it in so I can measure the driveshaft length I'll need with the Toyota 5 speed.

A piece of 3/4" laminate and some 2x4's.
The holes are for the jack component
Here's the holder bolted in place
In place on the jack And holding the nose up with a 2x4" under it.